Each pallet covers 450 sq ft., each piece is a 16×24 square and there are 168 pieces on a pallet.
Raleigh St. Augustine
- Beautiful dark green color
- Coarse texture, wide leaf blades (9-10mm)
- Grows from above-ground runners (stolens)
- High shade tolerance
- Good cold tolerance
- Adapts well in most soil conditions
Palmetto St. Augustine
- Emerald green color
- Finer texture than other St. Augustine varieties, wide leaf blades (8-9mm)
- Grows from above-ground runners (stolens)
- High shade tolerance, more than Raleigh St. Augustine
- Grows at a lower height than Raleigh if not maintained
- Excellent cold tolerance; it can stand up to temperatures near 0°F
- High drought tolerance once established due to massive root system
- Excellent salt tolerance
Celebration Bermuda
- Dark Blue-Green Color
- Fine texture, thin leaf blades (1.7mm)
- Grows from above-ground runners and below-ground shoots
- Excellent heat, drought and frost tolerance due to its deep massive root system
- Excellent wear resistance
- performs well
- repairs quickly in high‑traffic areas
- Fair shade tolerance, but most shade tolerant Bermuda on the market
Tif Tuf Bermuda
- Fine textured and bright green color
- Superior drought tolerance to all other Bermuda grass
- Uses 38% less water than Tifway 419
- Superior wear tolerance and tensile strength
- Late fall color retention and early spring green up
- Superior cold tolerance
- Very rapid grow in
- Tif Tuf will pay for itself in reduced water costs
Tifway 419 Bermuda
- Dark Green color
- Fine texture, thin leaf blades (2.2mm)
- Grows from above-ground runners and below-ground shoots
- Recommended for full sun exposure
- Heat and drought tolerant; can withstand temperatures in excess of 100°F
- More cold tolerant than Celebration
- Good wear resistance; performs well in high‑traffic areas
- Adapts well in most soil conditions
Palisade Zoysia
- Medium to coarse texture, medium leaf blades (5-7mm)
- Grows from above-ground runners and below-ground shoots
- Uniform density
- Good to Excellent Shade Tolerance
- Low maintenance
- Low water use
- Tolerates low mowing
- Requires less fertilizer; can thatch if over-fertilized
Zeon Zoysia
- “Barefoot Grass”
- Fine bladed, dark green color
- Drought tolerant
- It can handle full sun and has excellent shade tolerance only requiring as little as 3 hours of direct sunlight.
- Thrives in a wide range of soils
- Very versatile use: golf courses, sports fields, resorts and lawns
- Extensive root system allows it to recover quickly from a drought